Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest in distributing Holy Communion at Masses. Our Lord, present under the forms of bread and wine, is food for our journey to the kingdom! For those interested in becoming Extraordinary Ministers, there are special formation sessions which focus on the spirituality of the minister, the ritual of the Eucharist, and guidelines that are specific to St. Joseph Parish. Training and formation sessions for those interested in being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion are held several times each year.
The diocese has given permission, and is encouraging parishes to offer the option of receiving the Precious Blood once again from the cup. However, before we can accomplish this at our parish, we need to secure more ministers. Prayerfully consider this ministry as we strive to bring the fullness of the sacramental experience, following the Lord's command to Take and eat! and Take and drink! to our Sunday Eucharistic celebration.
Please contact Bob Valle, Director of Liturgy and Music, for more information.