In John 15:5 Christ told us, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit.". OnTheVine exists to grow friendships that bear much fruit, nourished through food, fun and fellowship. Thus fulfilling our parish vision statement of growing together in faith, hope and love of God and neighbor.
OnTheVine offers opportunities for people 21+, women, men, single, married to get together, have some fun and grow or create friendships within our community. By mingling all ages and backgrounds it offers an occasion for people to enjoy and learn from others outside their typical social setting. Thankfully we already share the common bond of our Catholic faith!
OTV events are casual gatherings, typically local and could range from brunch to an evening at the movies. We will be listing everything here on our webpage at Reminders will be texted to the membership through Flocknote. If you're not already a member, scroll down to "Join OTV" below and sign up. You may opt-out from these reminders at any time but this will be our sole source of communication.
Because it's fun! We have a vibrant and joyful community so let's celebrate that together! BTW, if you have any event suggestions, OnTheVine is always open to great ideas. Please see the form below to share your thoughts!
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