Ushers are Ministers of Hospitality and Assistance!
Are you looking for a way to minister in the parish without a significant commitment of more time? Do you like meeting people, or are you hoping to get to know more people in the parish? Perhaps you are transitioning as a parent from the busy grade school years at St. Joseph but want to keep involved, and are looking for a way to volunteer, perhaps with your spouse and your junior high or high school children?
Consider becoming be an usher! Ushers are one of the welcoming presence ministries, and they assist the assembly by removing obstructions to their full participation in the Mass. Yes, they pass the baskets for collections and pass out bulletins after Mass, but they also help to seat people, arrange to have communion brought to those who cannot join the communion procession, open doors, and smile a lot! The only additional commitment over your Sunday Mass requirement is to arrive 10 minutes earlier, which guarantees you will always find a parking spot! You may want to assist either at the Mass you normally attend or at any Mass, if you don’t regularly attend a specific one.